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Older Adults

"I wasn't expecting my life to be like this."

There are a variety of unique challenges that arise in adults who are older.  Much of the time this is when we begin to experience new or additional medical diagnoses, increasing limitations in our bodies,  and losing loved ones and friends on a broader scale.  Declining memory can be scary and frustrating, and losing the sense of independence we've had our entire adult lives can feel so defeating.  Adjusting to life after losing a spouse or significant other can feel nearly impossible.  Trying to balance money and bills with having more appointments to attend and sometimes additional expenses can create much anxiety and depression.  Additionally, assuming the role of caregiver for a spouse or loved one, though honorable and noble, can at times feel overwhelming and frustrating all in itself.

"Shouldn't things be easier now?"

Across the board, speaking in broad terms, none of us really know when our final days will be, though universally we all will have that moment of transition.  As we go through life, we tend to think about and more clearly define the concept of life and death and what it means to us.  Sometimes this conception brings much tranquility and ease with the acceptance of our humaness and our connection with something greater.  Other times it brings feelings of unsettledness and disturbance with thinking about how things could have been, thinking of things we wish we would have done, thinking that our bodies are failing us, and experiencing the grief of losing loved ones, and sometimes the grief of losing our own abilities and freedoms.  One might argue that it's important at any age in life to heal our wounds, reconcile our arguments, and find a sense of peace within; however, these tasks seem to become even more essential as we get older in order to feel a sense of assurance.  Having compassionate support in sorting through some of the great difficulties that come up in our older years can be very helpful in navigating our own journeys of grief, healing, and acceptance.

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